Dawning (2023) is an interactive video installation that visualizes forest CO2 levels, temperature, and other environmental data in real time and invites audience participation. As the inaugural work in my exploration of "envirographic" art—art that visualizes environmental data to inspire new understandings of planetary systems—Dawning immerses audiences in the dynamic conditions of a forest ecosystem, encouraging reflection on the precarity of biodiverse environments in this moment and the urgency of climate action.
2023, custom projection screen and software

Visitors can lie under the screen to fully immerse themselves in the experience, and even add their voices to the dawn chorus using the provided microphone.

Still images from the Dawning video
In Dawning, sensor data including CO2, humidity, light levels, temperature, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), wind speed, and airborne particulate matter is posted to IoT platform Shiftr.io. I subscribed to the data in TouchDesigner and used it to affect video playback.